miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Recomendaciones para el verano.

Si pincháis en los enlaces subrayados de la página os aparecerá directamente en el explorador de internet.

Es importante que escuchen los audios en inglés para mejorar la pronunciación. También les facilita la memorización del vocabulario y las frases. Por favor, insistan en que sus hijos/as escuchen todo el inglés que puedan.


martes, 25 de junio de 2013


1. Juego interactivo para repasar vocabulario básico. Pincha aquí.

2. Audios y canciones de las unidades de Inglés.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Unit 6. Song: What can you see?

It's looking at me. It's looking at me.
I can see an animal looking at me!
There in the grass, what can you see?
I can see a tiger, a big, big tiger.
I can see a tiger looking at me!
It's looking at me. It's looking at me.
I can see a tiger looking at me!
There in the water, what can you see?
I can see a shark, a scary, scary shark.
I can see a shark looking at me!
It's looking at me. It's looking at me.
I can see a shark looking at me!
There in the desert, what can you see?
I can see a camel, a grumpy, grumpy
I can see a camel looking at me!
It's looking at me. It's looking at me.
I can see a camel looking at me!
They're looking at me. They're looking
at me.
I can see some animals looking at me!

Unit 6. Chant.

Birds, birds flying high,
Flying high in the sky.
Over the sea, over the forest,
Over the grassland, over the desert.
Birds, birds flying high,
Flying high in the sky.

Unit 6. Vocabulary.

Tiger, camel, giraffe, whale, shark,
kangaroo, crocodile, eagle.

Forest, sea, grassland, desert, sky.

Unit 6. Story.Tea at the Zoo.

Picture 1
Charlie: Goodbye. Come again another
Child: Goodbye, Charlie!
Picture 2
Kangaroo: Can I have a cup of tea,
Charlie: Yes, but sit still and don't hop!
Picture 3
Camel: Can I have a cup of tea, please?
Charlie: Yes, but sit still and don't kick!
Picture 4
Giraffe: Can I have a cup of tea, please?
Charlie: Yes, but sit still and don't
Picture 5
Tiger: Can I have a cup of tea, please?
Charlie: Yes, but sit still and don't jump!
Picture 6
Charlie: Kangaroo, sit still!
Picture 7
Narrator: But it's too late! Kangaroo
hops and camel kicks, giraffe stretches
and tiger jumps. Poor Charlie!

Unit 6. Talk to Gerry.

Hello! What's your name?

What have you got after lunch?

What are you doing after school?

What's your favourite place for a holiday?

Where shall we meet?

What time can you stay out till?

Are you scared of crocodiles?


Unit 6. Listen and read.

Here is a red kangaroo. Kangaroos live
in Australia. There are lots of kangaroos
in Australia, perhaps as many as
20 million! This kangaroo is scratching.
Perhaps it has got a flea!
Can you see a kangaroo in your country?
Kangaroos are marsupials. The female
carries her baby in a pouch on her
tummy. Kangaroo mums can have three
babies of different ages in the pouch at
the same time. Baby kangaroos are
called joeys.
What are this kangaroo mum and her
baby looking at?
Here is a big kangaroo. Kangaroos can
be very big. They can weigh over 80
kilos! What is he doing?
Has he got water in his ear? Is he
listening to something? Is he doing PE?
Kangaroos can hop very fast. They've
got strong tails. The tails help the
kangaroos to balance.
Do you know that kangaroos can't walk
backwards? Can you walk backwards?